What wood preservative is on The Hutch Company Hedgehog House?

The following question was asked by someone interested in The Hutch Company Hedgehog House:

“What wood preservative is used on The Hutch Company Hedgehog House?”

(Source: Amazon)

Here are 3 points summing up the best answers.

What wood preservative is used on The Hutch Company Hedgehog House? Here’s what they said…

  1. A couple of coatings of an anti-bacterial marcide chemical has been applied to the wooden panelling of The Hutch Company Hedgehog House. This presumably was a measure taken to prevent bacterial infestation when kept outdoor. No indication however, if it is also anti-fungal too.
  2. According to other buyers, the preservative seems to be water-based and nothing noxious as no smell can be detected from the house on arrival. Ultimately, hedgehogs are rave reviewers of The Hutch Company Hedgehog Houses and are known to use them well…as many 5-star reviews confirm.
  3. Come even apply a thin coating of Cuprinol Ducksback to provide more water-resistance for long term use.

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So, there we have it – The Hutch Company Hedgehog House does come coated in a wood preservative layer or two even. The company have not disclosed EXACTLY what they are using – but it is referenced by them to have an anti-bacterial properties. Most buyers though apply a non-smelly coat of some preservative additionally to be sure.

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