Does The Hutch Company Hedgehog House touch the floor? Will it rot?

The following question was asked by someone interested in The Hutch Company Hedgehog House:

“Does The Hutch Company Hedgehog House touch the floor? Will it rot?”

(Source: Amazon)

Here are 3 points summing up the best answers.

Does The Hutch Company Hedgehog House touch the floor? Will it rot? Here’s what they said…

  1. It is possible to see hedgehogs through the entire hibernation cycle in these hedgehog houses, but although the wood is coated – you might elevate it on patio slabs to prevent rot.
  2. Some owners have had success in keeping the house dry by “…adding a thicker piece of wood underneath and on rocks at each corner (so it doesnt absorb wet from the ground) – which seems to work.”
  3. Avoid the straw bedding inside from rotting by lifting the floor off the ground (the floor ply is a little thin) and perhaps rendering a tunnel attachment to provide shelter.

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So, there we have it – The Hutch Company Hedgehog House can become affected by rot if the wood is in constant contact with the ground during winter. Plus, you run the risk of getting the bedding damp if you don’t provide some type of covering for the entrance.

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