SURPRISE! Hoglets bred in a garden hedgehog house (Sighted by Wildlife Photographer)

Wildlife photographer, Keith Elcombe reported a lovely surprise one day on a recent visit down to the bottom of his garden.

Whilst restocking the mealworm feed he often leaves in his hedgehog house, he found not only was the house occupied by the usual adult hogs…

…but much to his delight he found that his house was home to new baby hoglets too! Tucking into a mealworm dish nonetheless.

Take a look at Keith’s Tweet:

Want to get results like Keith’s with your own hedgehog house?

Take note of the Hedgehog Housing Census advice – where 5,000 UK hedgehogs voted on their ideal garden-based hedgehog house conditions.

Also, if you’d like to brush up on your wildlife photography skills for FREE – using no more of an exotic setting than your own back garden – then follow Keith Elcombe’s blog seriesUsing Your Garden for Wildlife Photography“:

Now, over to you…

Have you recently found hoglets in your hedgehog house?

Are you looking to get the kind of results Keith is getting with his garden hedgie set-up?

Let us know below.

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